Running Robot

Running RobotΒΆ

This notebook is associated with Robot Framework kernel. Therefore this notebook runs Robot Framework suites with tests or tasks.

Every Robot notebook cell must begin with a one of the available Robot table headings: Settings, Variables, Keywords, Test Cases or Tasks.

*** Settings ***

Library  String

The same Robot Framework table heading may be used in multiple code cells, and a single cell may contain Robot Framework syntax for multiple tables.

*** Settings ***

Test teardown  Log variables

*** Variable ***

${fullname}  Jane Doe

While every cell must be executed in order, similarly to a Python notebook, resulting Robot Framework suite is executed only when the latest cell includes either tests or tasks.

*** Test Cases ***

Name should contain exactly two words
    ${parts}=  Split string  ${fullname}
    Length should be  ${parts}  2

After executing a cell with tests or tasks, result links (Log | Report) are inserted below the executed cell. These links open the resulting Robot Framework log or report on a new browser tab, from which the log or report can also be downloaded as a file.

All resulting logs and report are saved inline with the notebook file.

In the case of a test failure, Robot Framework console output with error is displayed just below the log and report links.

*** Test Cases ***

Name should contain exactly two three
    ${parts}=  Split string  ${fullname}
    Length should be  ${parts}  3
Name should contain exactly two three                                 | FAIL |
Length of '['Jane', 'Doe']' should be 3 but is 2.
Jupyter                                                               | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Output:  /run/user/1000/tmp83pk54ha/output.xml

Finally, if the last run keyword on a test or task returns a value (including possible test teardown), that value may be rendered below the cell.

*** Test Cases ***

Name should still contain exactly two words
    [Teardown]  Set variable  ${parts}
    ${parts}=  Split string  ${fullname}
    Length should be  ${parts}  2